@ease Water Care

How many times have you thought, “this hot tub is just too much work!” We set out to change that with FROG @ease that gives you that “ahhh” feeling of relaxation and peace of mind. FROG @ease combines our sanitizing minerals with SmartChlor® Technology to kill bacteria two ways. The result is Fresh Mineral Water® that’s silky soft with far less odors and the easiest water to maintain because it’s self-regulating. It knows when more sanitizing power is needed and automatically delivers it. When you need to do something, it flips over.


@ease 75 Percent Less

Up to 75%* less chlorine with no frustrating yo-yo chlorine levels

Shock Once

Shock only once a month

Self Regulates

Self regulates for continuous crystal clear water

@ease Easy On

Easy on hot tub surfaces with less odors

@ease Color Match

Single color match for easy reading – exclusively with FROG @ease Test Strips


No Constant Monitoring

No constant monitoring

@ease No Mixing

No mixing chemicals


Money Back Guarantee

Money back guarantee


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